Strategic Plan for
Alumni Engagement

Inspire | Engage | Empower



A vibrant, global community of all university alumni.


Our mission is to inspire lifelong engagement with the Tufts community. Through connections, shared experiences, and opportunities to give back, we empower alumni to make an impact on each other and the university.


We are thrilled to share our Strategic Plan for Alumni Engagement, a new framework shaped by a six-month collaborative process. We are truly energized by what this plan guides us toward: a shared vision for a more vibrant, global alumni community across all Tufts schools.

Our strategic planning process was an opportunity to reflect on our work and imagine a bold future for alumni engagement at the university. Over a series of retreats, we brought together leadership from the Alumni Association, the Office of Alumni Engagement, our professional schools, and other key partner offices on campus. We tested our initial recommendations in focus groups with dozens of alumni volunteers and staff. Along the way, we incorporated and amplified many concepts the Alumni Council has discussed in recent years. Throughout all our conversations, we were guided by the university’s mission and a strong desire to enhance the entire Tufts experience for generations to come.

This plan is intended to be a living document—an overarching roadmap that will evolve as our alumni community continues to evolve. Woven throughout the five priorities is a commitment to understand our increasingly diverse alumni community. We want to learn what matters most to you so that we can build more meaningful and fulfilling engagement opportunities. And, above all, we want to empower you to have a profound impact on each other and the university.

We look forward to working together in the coming years to make this vision a reality.

Please join us!


Executive Director of Alumni Engagement
Tufts University


Tufts University Alumni Association

Priority 1

Actively integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion in alumni engagement.

We aim to engage a diverse range of experiences, identities, and perspectives across the alumni community—not only to create opportunities for all, but to enrich the lives of all. Through our first priority, we will amplify underrepresented voices and ensure that all alumni feel a deep sense of belonging.

two students walking amoung autumn leaves


  • Assess our own strengths, weaknesses, and gaps with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
  • Create a working group to build and steer a purposeful DEI plan that aligns with university goals.
  • Launch DEI training for all volunteers and staff.
  • Improve outreach to underrepresented alumni populations.
  • Provide opportunities for alumni to support DEI initiatives at the university.

Tufts University School of Medicine

Priority 2

Enhance our connection to current students and inspire them to be engaged as alumni.

We want current students to experience the value of the global alumni community from the moment they apply to the moment they graduate. To develop a culture of lifelong engagement, we will build relationships between students and alumni that foster meaningful growth and allow students to imagine their future as active alumni.


  • Understand how students want to interact with alumni.
  • Evaluate and reshape programming to meet student needs.
  • Expand alumni mentorship, internship, and job opportunities for students.
  • Connect students with alumni by shared interest and identity.

Priority 3

Provide alumni engagement opportunities that reflect evolving needs and interests.

Increasingly, we see that alumni are looking for more personalized experiences—and that their interests change over time. We acknowledge that traditional alumni programs alone will not be enough to grow our community. Through ongoing dialogue and assessment, we will discover the best ways to offer personal and professional value to alumni, wherever they are in their journey. We will build unique experiences that motivate more alumni to engage and give.

two alumni smiling


  • Regularly gather insights on how alumni want to engage.
  • Build dedicated programs for recent graduates.
  • Expand opportunities for all alumni to connect by profession, identity, shared interest, region, and school.
  • Effectively balance digital and in-person content to reach a wider audience.
  • Provide opportunities for alumni to give directly to their primary areas of interest.

a view inside the hall of flags

Priority 4

Create a meaningful and fulfilling experience for all alumni who want to volunteer.

We believe that all alumni who want to volunteer with Tufts should be able to do so. We want to offer a greater range of volunteer opportunities—whether ongoing or short-term—and make them easily accessible to all alumni. By doing so, we will build a stronger community of proud ambassadors who are inspired to support the university with their time, expertise, and financial resources.


  • Make it easy for alumni to find the right volunteer opportunities for them.
  • Establish consistent standards for recruiting, training, and stewarding volunteers across the university.
  • Build a vibrant community of all alumni volunteers and create pathways for future involvement.
  • Facilitate a smooth transition from the current Alumni Council to the new Alumni Association Board and Volunteer Corps.

Priority 5

Build the infrastructure needed for excellence in alumni communication and engagement.

We want to take our engagement efforts to the next level and be the program that peer institutions look to for inspiration. To meet our commitments, we will invest in a variety of infrastructure, from enhanced technologies and systems to increased staffing and financial resources. We will also measure and communicate the impact of alumni engagement across campus.

a tall building on the Tufts University campus


  • Develop sophisticated methods to segment and personalize communications by affiliation, interest, and behavior.
  • Expand our use of digital platforms to reach key audiences.
  • Introduce dynamic reporting on alumni engagement metrics—experiential, volunteer, philanthropic, and communication—to drive action and accountability.
  • Create compelling staffing and budget requests tied to alumni engagement goals.

measuring success


Tufts University has measured alumni engagement annually since 2011, using a model that includes the total number of event attendees, volunteers, and donors. We know that there is a clear link between engagement and giving: event attendees and volunteers give at more than twice the rate of all Tufts alumni.

As we move forward with implementing this strategic plan, we will expand our use of metrics to clearly demonstrate progress toward our goals, and the overall impact of alumni engagement. Across the university, we will implement the industry metrics established by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), which now include four categories of engagement:

  • Experiential
  • Volunteer
  • Philanthropic
  • Communication


1. Build a new reporting mechanism to track these four categories of engagement in real time and set goals for each.

2. Analyze and set goals for engagement in the same four categories by school, class year, region, and affinity group.

3. Understand the engagement trends of our underrepresented alumni communities, including but not limited to Black, Asian, Latinx, LGBTQ+, and First-Generation alumni.

4. Expand our use of the Net Promoter Score (NPS)—a tool that measures the loyalty of constituent relationships—across the University Advancement division and all Tufts schools.

5. Use data to show the impact of engagement on giving.

University Photogallery

a view of the Grafton campus
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University Jumbo writes on a whiteboard Tufts University School of Dental Medicine exterior Jaharis Building on Boston Health Sciences Campus Steve Tisch Sports and Fitness Center Tufts University Aerial View Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Rainbow at Spicer Field Perry and Marty Granoff Music Center Exterior spring day with colorful trees a crowd watches a football game SMFA Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University Engineering complex in the spring Health Sciences building Medford campus from the air Fletcher building Ginn Library interior students walk throughout the Medford campus Grafton campus two students walk on campus with autumn leaves nearby the candlelight ceremony two students high-five each other